Find a Therapist

Mental health providers and therapists local to Cleveland County, NC

Most therapists and providers are now offering sessions by phone or via virtual appointment

Preferred Choice Healthcare

Accepts most major insurances including Medicaid and sliding scale.

Halos Counseling

Self-pay. In-person and virtual appointments available.


Accepts insurance, Medicaid, and uninsured.

Shelby Wellness and Therapy

Accepts insurance, Medicaid, and sliding scale.

Living Lotus Counseling, PLLC

Accepts most major insurances

Coastal Southeastern United Care

Additional Ways to Find Mental Health Providers

Psychology Today - Find a Therapist

You can search by specialty area and insurance accepted

Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company for a list of mental health providers in-network with your insurance company. At this time most therapists are using tele-health with virtual visits, so you may be able to connect to a wider range of providers