Become a CSF Sponsor.

How Can my Group/Organization Become a Sponsor?

We are currently planning the delivery of monthly friendship bags throughout 2024! We are seeking sponsor groups and organizations who would like to commit to providing a featured gift for a particular month’s “friendship bags”. We will be serving 10-15 recipients throughout the year. Most often these gifts are handmade contributions that reflect the group’s particular interests, creativity, or self-care practices. A story of connection will be developed by MHA staff to be included with your contribution.

Examples of featured gifts can be as diverse as the organizations that make them!

  • Are you involved in a knitting group? Maybe your group would like to knit warm scarves to be the featured gift in our February friendship bags!

  • Is your child a Boy Scout, Girl Scout, or 4-H member? Maybe the troop or club would like to construct birdhouses, grow hanging baskets, or design another hand son project to be featured in a spring friendship bag!

  • Do you teach pottery or painting classes at one of our local arts councils? Maybe your class would be excited to create a “pay it forward” pot or canvas.

To connect with the Compeer Program Director - Stacey Costner - about becoming a CSF sponsor you can complete the interest form on the right or contact her directly at 980-429-4037,

What is the CSF Project?

The Community Supported Friendship (CSF) Project was created in response to the unique challenge of prolonged physical isolation that we have all experienced as a result of the ongoing pandemic. Through the sharing of creative gifts and storytelling, the CSF project aims to provide a concrete point of connection to our Compeer participants in the form of a CSF “friendship bag” delivered to their door each month. Click the button below to learn more.


CSF Sponsor Interest Form