Compeer Youth
Compeer Youth matches youth ages 6 - 17 who are experiencing a behavioral health concern with one-to-one volunteer mentors and/or group mentoring. Once a match has been made, the mentor and mentee will spend four hours per month in their group or one-to-one setting. Mentorship provides youth with connection, support, and an opportunity to practice social skills with a caring adult. Though not a clinical model, Compeer’s evidence based model provides the emotional and social support to compliment clinical interventions.
Group Mentoring
Compeer’s group mentoring program matches youth participants in groups consisting of 3 - 5 mentees per one mentor based on their unique interests. For example, if a youth participant is interested in gardening, Compeer coordinators will match them in a group whose activities relate to gardening.
Group mentoring also provides a way to connect and build lasting friendships with other youth and mentors who have shared interests. Our group mentoring program also acts as a waitlist for youth waiting to be matched in a one-to-one friendship.
One-to-One Friendship
Youth participants will be matched with a single volunteer mentor based on shared interests and lived experience. Matches are not made on a first-come-first-serve basis for this reason.
Volunteers and youth participants agree to meet weekly for an hour or every other week for two hours with a commitment of one year. Compeer staff will also provide activities for matches to participate in to ensure the hourly program requirement can be met.
Activities between the youth participant and mentor are approved by both the parent and Compeer coordinator.
How to Apply
Referrals are made by a youth’s current mental health provider or site based agency such as a school or after-school program. To learn how to refer a youth participant to Compeer, click the button below.
To become a group or one-to-one mentor, please fill out an application using the button below.
For Parents
Compeer Youth requires a referral from a current agency your child is connected with. Parents who believe this program would be a good fit for their child should connect with their child’s support agency (mental health provider, school guidance counselor, etc) to get the process started. Providers can find more information about making a referral by clicking the button above that says “Refer Youth Participant.”
Compeer is dedicated to making sure that youth participants and parents are well-informed about the volunteer mentors the youth will be matched with and the activities they participate in. Parents and youth participants are invited to meet with the Compeer Youth program coordinator prior to matching the youth with a mentor to learn about the program and share any questions or concerns they may have. Once a match is identified, Compeer staff will introduce the parent and youth to the volunteer. Compeer staff will also connect parents with community resources should the need arise.