Compeer Adult and Senior Program
Compeer’s Adult and Senior programs connect adults (18+) in mental health recovery programs and isolated seniors (62+) at risk of worsening mental health concerns with a community volunteer. The volunteer provides one-to-one supportive friendship to help offset the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies mental illness and/or aging. Both our adult and senior programs offer support through one-to-one friendship and Phone Friends. Adults and seniors also receive monthly friendship bags through our Community Supported Friendship (CSF) Project.
Phone Friends
For those who are not able to commit to a one-to-one friendship, Phone Friends is a good alternative. Phone Friends volunteers make weekly phone calls to individuals who are waiting to be matched in a one-to-one Compeer friendship or prefer telephone communication. To become a volunteer, please apply using the button below.
One-to-One Friendship
Participants in our adult and senior program are matched in one-to-one friendships with a screened and trained volunteer. One-to-one matches are expected to meet four hours a month (one hour a week or two hours every other week) for a year long commitment. To become a volunteer, please apply using the button below.
Community Supported Friendship Project
Adults and seniors in our Compeer program receive monthly friendship bags filled with handcrafted items contributed by community members and volunteers. To learn about how you can get involved, click the button below.