Why Self-Care is Important


Self-care, as the name suggests, is a system of care a person provides for themselves based on their specific needs and interests. It can have a profound impact on both our physical and mental wellbeing. Since it is Mental Health Awareness Month, it felt necessary to talk about the importance of self-care - especially as it relates to mental health. Every single one of us has mental health. Anything we can do to support and care for our mental health is just as important as the actions we take to care for our physical health.

We always find ourselves rushing: determined to finish tasks as quickly as possible so that we can move on to the next thing on our to-do list. Because of this, it’s easy to neglect ourselves and our needs. However, neglecting ourselves and our needs is a sure way to damage our emotional and mental wellbeing. We must care for ourselves in the same way that we dedicate time and care to other valuable relationships in our lives.

When we neglect our own emotions and do not make time for self-care, we tell ourselves that we are not valuable. Which makes sense. We live in a country where progress is valued over mental wellbeing. Time spent producing is considered more profitable than time spent taking care of ourselves. As a result, any moments stolen away for ourselves is considered selfish or otherwise unnecessary. We shame ourselves for it.

But the reality is, making time for ourselves isn’t selfish. How can we be expected to be productive when we don’t make the time to care for ourselves? How can we progress in our jobs or in our community if we are not giving ourselves enough attention and care? We can’t. The less time we make for ourselves, the harder it is for us to find the motivation to accomplish tasks at work or within our community. 

It’s hard to unlearn the urgency to be productive since it is so deeply ingrained into our everyday lives. We tend to call ourselves “lazy” or “unproductive” when we spend a few hours doing anything but working, cleaning, or producing. But taking care of ourselves is a crucial part of living. When we neglect ourselves, we will ultimately find ourselves less motivated, tired, or even less interested in things that brought us joy in the past. Making time for self-care, even in small ways can really make a difference in how we see ourselves and how we treat others. 

If you find it hard to give yourself the hour or two it takes for some self-care activities, maybe finding smaller (but still meaningful) methods will be helpful. Practicing smaller, less time-consuming methods of self-care is one way to commit to making time for yourself without the guilt. Eventually, the more you practice self-care the less selfish it becomes and the more necessary it feels.

It’s also helpful to recognize what areas of our life are in need of care. Self-care can be applied to any part of our lives: social, emotional, financial, spiritual, occupational, and physical (just to name a few). For example, if you find yourself struggling with setting boundaries with your friends, you may need to spend more time focusing on self-care that directly supports your social life such as taking necessary breaks from people who may be asking too much of us. 

That’s the  great thing about self-care. It is deeply personal and can be anything that brings you comfort or joy. Listening to music is one form of self-care that I implement in my everyday life. Music brings me a lot of joy and is a simple way to make myself happier. It is a form of self-care that I can use regardless of where I’m at or what I’m doing. Knowing that music is such an important part of my own self-care routine has even led me into developing habits that ensure I can access it whenever I need to. I seldom leave the house without headphones and will even walk around the grocery store listening to my favorite playlist. By doing this, I’m completing chores while also making time for my own self-care. 

Once you begin finding the smaller ways in which you can make time for yourself, utilizing self-care in your everyday schedule will become easier.

There are, of course, other more involved types of self-care. As a creative person, I tend to try and find useful crafts that help me express myself while also making something that has a purpose in my home. (If you’re looking for a creative activity that can be used for self-care, consider reading my post on DIY Joy Jars.) 

Ultimately, making time for self-care is a necessary part of life. Our worth is not tied to what we produce and we must stop guilting ourselves into being productive. If you’re struggling with finding the motivation to accomplish tasks, it might be time to figure out what areas of your life need care and try to find ways to address those needs. Take breaks, set boundaries, drink water, and do whatever else you need to ensure you are giving yourself the care you need.

Lizz Grimsley

Compeer Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator


DIY Joy Jars


Community Care as Self-Care